“The crazy ass honey badger,” or so it’s been known, is apparently the bad mother of the animal world. And it’s sharp as a tack. I think I want to be a honey badger. Unless it’s the badger who now is ball-less and his pride is served as a dish.
So why did the owners of this clean and sharp little place decide that the honey badger was the perfect epithet for their show? Who knows? But it works. But a little aside here first: Honey Badger is right near Plato’s in Salamanca Place, and we had a small human’s birthday looming, so a visit to this wonderland of toys, games, puzzles and all sorts of examples of good design was a must.

The name says it all
Plato’s doesn’t need a big rave, it’s always busy, is the go-to place when you’re stuck for ideas, and it’s a young person’s cubby house. Is Plato rolling in his grave at this loose use of his illustrious name? Probably – but it’s a memorable name for a shop nonetheless. And this time, apart from some perfect gifts for the small radiant princess in our midst, I found a tool I didn’t have. “Herb scissors”.

Something for every task
And before you scoff at the silly first world ridiculousness of such a thing, and you’re absolutely right, I noticed that Sally Wise, my guru of all things kitchen and preserving, has just discovered these as well! Well how-de-do? And they work a treat. So if you can avoid slashing your fingers with 8 blades instead of 2, then give them a try!

Plato’s wonderland
Shopped out and ready for sustenance, we hit the Honey Badger with a vengeance.
A popping soda for princess – $6.50 and a tongue curlingly sweet mix of ‘green apple and kiwi’ with even sweeter popping candy. Unfortunately, just too much of a good thing. The latte hit the mark though, with a welcome draft of minted water from a large crock near the door.

Honey Badger Interior
And while we are here, it seems the ‘Queen B Pancakes’ are a must try. At $16, not cheap, but the presentation, and execution were all that a small and a grown up princess could ask for. A stack of fluffy goodness topped with pink and white fairy floss (spun sugar that again was too sweet even for the tiny one), the topping of fresh berries, cream, vanilla bean ice cream and maple syrup made for a satisfying leap into sugar wickedness.

Popping soda

Honey Badger Coffee

Queen B Pancakes
There’s a small but enticing savoury section – and ‘Badger Balls’ are there. You’ll have to go to see for yourself and the desserts list is a sugarholic’s dream.
I do hope that no badgers were actually harmed in the making of the menu, though it might explain the bad rap that honey badgers seem to have, if their privates are treated thus. As we leave, my eyes glimpse a small furry creature in a corner. Forlorn. But then, he raised his tiny head, and winked.