Fassnidge, from reality chef to real reality. Big jump.
Interesting journey that Fassnidge went on to discover that sometimes copying role models and tradition aren’t a good MO.
Business & Hospitality News and Resources, Interviews, Reviews, Travel - A Foodie's Guide To Tasmania & Far Beyond.
Interesting journey that Fassnidge went on to discover that sometimes copying role models and tradition aren’t a good MO.
Business secret 101 is the key word : the killer in business and life, fear.
Running any business is hard in this new post Covid world, but running a restaurant has become all about handling the heat, in so many ways.
When it comes to being able to handle the heat, in a kitchen, a restaurant, or business, how good are you? Do you have a pressure plan? That’s why we set up offthehotplate. It’s a pressure plan.
What might you say to a chef wanting to create his own theatre, so he may strut his own stage? First, as with all would be business owners: do your homework!
A life spent on the tools in a kitchen might seem a life misspent, but I loved every minute, and lived (survived) to tell the tales. Lucky me.
Breaking down every transaction in any business from the point of view of trust, might yield some surprising revelations.
Why do we need to cure chef stress? Because if we don’t – and act really fast, we won’t have an industry at all. It’s chaos now. Let’s fix it.