“There’s no such thing as bad publicity…” And Possums Restaurant had plenty.
Of good publicity.
Just so you guys can see I’m not bullshitting: here are just a few of the newspaper write ups I enjoyed in my heydays at Possums in Brisbane. Back when. It was a wild time. Life was busy as hell on a hot day, and it seemed that I and my little restaurant filled a lot of column space. Have a read if you’re so inclined.
So many more in drawers and cupboards, but that was then, and this is now. Looking back, though was a lot of fun, and the stories do seem as if they happened yesterday. Have I changed much? Not really. Probably a lot calmer, and the writing of those crazy times was very cathartic. If you haven’t bought my book yet, do. I don’t think you’ll be sorry. At least I hope not!
Chrissie 🙂